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What are the Bad Side Effects of Glutathione in Dubai?


In recent years, glutathione in Dubai has gained significant popularity as a skin-lightening and antioxidant supplement, particularly in places like Dubai where beauty standards are high. While it is widely touted for its potential benefits, it's important to understand that like any other substance, glutathione comes with its own set of potential side effects. In this article, we'll delve into the dark side of glutathione usage and explore the potential adverse effects that individuals in Dubai and elsewhere should be aware of.

Understanding Glutathione and Its Uses:

The Role of Glutathione

Glutathione is a naturally occurring antioxidant that plays a crucial role in maintaining cellular health and protecting our bodies against oxidative stress. It's also known for its skin-lightening properties, which have contributed to its popularity as a beauty supplement.

Glutathione in Dubai's Beauty Culture

Dubai's obsession with flawless skin has led to an increased demand for glutathione injections and supplements. Many individuals turn to these products in the hopes of achieving fairer and more radiant skin.

The Dark Side of Glutathione:

Unregulated Market

The glutathione market in Dubai, much like in other places, is flooded with counterfeit and unregulated products. This poses a significant risk to consumers who may unknowingly purchase ineffective or even harmful formulations.

Skin Discoloration

Ironically, the very supplement touted for skin lightening can lead to skin discoloration. Improper use of glutathione, especially without medical supervision, can result in uneven pigmentation and blotchy skin.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Some individuals may experience stomach upset, nausea, or diarrhea when taking glutathione supplements. These gastrointestinal disturbances can be particularly bothersome and affect daily life.

Thyroid Imbalance

Glutathione's impact on thyroid function is a concern. Prolonged or excessive use of glutathione may interfere with thyroid hormone levels, leading to potential complications.

Kidney and Liver Problems

While glutathione is naturally metabolized in the liver and kidneys, high doses can overwhelm these organs. This can potentially lead to liver or kidney problems, especially in individuals with preexisting conditions.

Taking Precautions:

To minimize the risk of experiencing negative side effects from glutathione, it's crucial to exercise caution and take appropriate measures:

Consult a Professional

Before starting any glutathione regimen, consult a medical professional who can assess your health and recommend suitable dosages.

Choose Reputable Brands

Stick to well-known and reputable brands when purchasing glutathione supplements to reduce the risk of buying counterfeit products.

Follow Recommended Dosages

Avoid the temptation to overuse glutathione in hopes of faster results. Adhering to recommended dosages is essential for safety.

How Much Glutathione Injections Cost in Dubai?

The Cost of Glutathione in Dubai can range from AED 399 to AED 2,999. The cost is impacted by several factors including the number of shots, the quality of glutathione used, the doctor’s qualifications, and the clinic level. We reveal our final prices at the initial consultation which is completely free of cost. So, consult our dermatologists and find out the suitable treatment and price details.


While glutathione has become a sensation in Dubai's beauty scene, it's important to acknowledge the potential harm it can cause if used carelessly. Unregulated products, skin issues, and internal imbalances are just a few of the concerns associated with glutathione supplementation. Prioritizing safety, consulting medical professionals, and being mindful of proper usage can help individuals reap potential benefits while avoiding the darker side of this trendy supplement.

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